Educator of the Year Nomination | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year Nomination

March 27, 2014
By AmazinSean BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
AmazinSean BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In middle school you prepare for high school, and in high school you prepare for life and or college. Each part gets you ready for the next one. People can help, you but only you can do things and accomplish them.
Some people help you and some people don’t help you. For the people who do help you succeed, you can never stop thanking them. One person helped me with everything, not only school work but social needs. You need this in a teacher so you can get along better and understand each other better. The more you understand each other the easier everything is.
At the time I didn’t realize it, but there was one middle school teacher who I thought gave some work for no reason. Her name was Mrs. O’Brien. I had classes with her for 5 years. She worked with me; she wouldn’t give too much work or too little. She would give the perfect amount of work that was just enough to challenge you, get the point across, and still make it able to be completed.
I did do bad on some of her tests, and I did get frustrated because I knew I was working hard, but not to my full potential, not where I was supposed to be. Every kid in middle school would say that doing well on tests and having good behavior didn’t matter. I was one of them; Mrs. O’Brien taught me that it mattered. That high schools would look at them and that could decide if you wanted to get into the high school that you wanted to go to. The same rule applies for colleges, but it is a lot tougher.
Mrs. O’Brien taught me so much. I am able to say this because I have been in her class for 5 years. That’s more than enough time to realize whether your teacher is good or not and to know if you believe they are helping you or not. I can tell you that Mrs. O’Brien is the best teacher I have ever had the privilege of having and she does way more than help her students, like me. Mrs. O’Brien is my nomination for Educator of the Year.

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