Sims World | Teen Ink

Sims World

October 25, 2013
By Dylan Mccardle BRONZE, Highland Home, Alabama
Dylan Mccardle BRONZE, Highland Home, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There are very few people you meet in your high school career that impact your success when you do eventually graduate. But the few that do impact you affect you deeply. The one that stands out to me at this moment is Ms. Sims. She has influenced my high school career greatly in the time that I have had her and I will undoubtedly remember her forever. The three things I will remember about her the most is her teaching style, her involvement in the school, and what she does for all of the students.

Ms Rebecca Sims has a very distinctive teaching style. Her military background comes across in the way she teaches and speaks with us all. She is loud and direct and stern while also being fair to all. She pushes us in all we do and helps prepare us for the way that colleges will treat us. She does this in many ways, the most helpful of which is making us resourceful by telling us how to find how to do things, but not exactly what to do. She doesn't spoon-feed us the work and makes us try for every grade we get.

She is also involved in so many activities around the school. She runs future teachers of america and english honor society. She is the most active senior representative and helps plan a lot of senior activities. She buys our senior spirit packets and advises us on how to enjoy our senior year while also following the rules as written and perceived. On top of all of this that she helps the "older kids" with, she also participates in the after-school program for the little kids and helps them at school.

She does a lot for the individuals in the senior class especially. She is very supportive of everyone and helps us find colleges and future careers. She also advises any prospective military candidates on the benefits of the branches and where would be best for them to enter and how to enter. Her classwork even helps us plan for our futures by showing us how to write our resumes and teaching us how to write essays for college. On top of all the preparation for college, her work also helps us find ourselves and our joys in life with how they question us.

As can be seen, Sims is a very influential part of this school and helps us everyday to advance and become better people. Her unorthodox teaching style works very well and lets us learn not only from her instruction, but on our own. Her involvement around the school in the many events and organizations also lends to her influence in everything. She helps us grow as people and develop, preparing us for the future and making us useful people later in life. Sims is the greatest, and deserves respect from all around her

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