EOY nomination: Mr.Green | Teen Ink

EOY nomination: Mr.Green

May 1, 2012
By jocelyn estupinian BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
jocelyn estupinian BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
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What does it take to be a great educator? It takes integrity, creatism and lot of more; my business teacher Mr. Green is an amazing teacher that has those qualities if you ask me. He is fun when it’s appropriate, energetic, loud and most important easy to understand. He makes business class a blast. You can always expect something new every class, and he makes the outside world of business easy to understand.
I see that many students complain that teachers need to be a lot more fun and a lot less strict. Mr. Green isn’t strict but he doesn’t let his students take advantage of the fun activities he prepares for us. Instead of watching boring business videos, he helps us understand what entrepreneurs are by showing videos of the creators of McDonalds, Ben and jerry’s ice cream and the creator of Hershey’s chocolate. He can make the roughest situations turn out positive and always brings a smile in our faces or causes us to laugh along. Mr. Green keeps us paying attention, taking notes and actually showing us to take initiative for our future.
What better way to describe him than energetic! I can assure you Mr. Green doesn’t sit down in class to teach, he is always up and around. He always seems so excited to teach us a new lesson every class. A couple of months ago he prepared us for a trip to JA Finance Park, it gave us all a taste of what adults do on the regular daily bases. Mr. Green walked around everywhere, helping everyone and giving us advice. He also helps my team for Business Professionals of America. Thanks to his energy and support we made it to nationals in Chicago, and he never turns us down for help. In just a week he is coming along with us to compete and he is one of the best supporters our group has gotten. Along with Mrs. Derbyshire the 10th grade business teacher and Mrs. Dick our 9th grade English teacher, fundraising and getting the money has become a lot easier. They have helped us so much to make sure we get there and we are grateful for their support.
The most important thing about Mr. Green is that he is easy to understand. In my past computer classes, I have never really understood why we needed them. I had great teachers but I just didn’t understand the material of Microsoft or Excel. He has made it easier for me by showing me the latest short cuts, and actually showing me why I need these classes since I will need the material throughout my life. His activities are complicated yet easy to master after he shows us that they are not a hard as they seem. He has helped me not just understand my dream of becoming a surgeon, but by showing me the classes and lifestyle I that would have, he has made me want that dream more than ever.

Mr. Green is one of the best teachers I have ever had. I look up to him as a lot of my ninth grade friends do. He knows how to be a fun teacher, making everything easier to understand and his energy is infectious. I always see him in the halls waiting for all the students, greeting us all with a great big smile. Mr. Green never misses a day of school and always tries to lighten up everyone’s day. This is his first year at Delaware Military Academy, but his way of teaching made me think he has been here for years. We all respect him and I look forward to seeing him throughout my four years of high school.

The author's comments:
he is an amazing teacher

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