the great one | Teen Ink

the great one

April 26, 2012
By racingiscool BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
racingiscool BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
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EOY nomination 2012: Robert Lingenfelter

I always found myself rushing to my fourth period class in 8th grade. If you doubt that
social studies would ever be a fun an exciting class to go to, you never had Mr. Lingenfelter for a
teacher. Mr. L always made class interesting but he also expected us to do our best and never
accepted our worst. It was an easy choice to make when I decided to nominate Mr.L for educator
of the year. I didn’t even have to think twice. He inspired an interest in social studies and make
me strive to do my best.

Even before I entered 8th grade I had heard about Mr.L My cousin who is a year older
then I am raved sense of humor and all of his cool projects. Many of the other kids in school
recommended Mr.L for a teacher. Every time I walked down the hallway I would look to the
right to see all of the cool pictures and posters of presidents and historical building hanging from
his walls, windows and doors. He even had models of historical figures such as John F Kennedy
and Abraham Lincoln. My favorite part of the room was the custom made judges bench and 2
witness stands. All of these props made the learning even better.

Mr.L had high expectations for all of us. He had a great mountaintop analogy that he
used to encourage us to do our best. Mr.L would say “Don’t give up it will pay off in the end”.
Respect was something he gave to us and expected it in return. I have never met someone with
such a great sense of humor. He used humor to help us learn from our mistakes and encourages
when we were struggling. If you ever had a problem or did not understand the material you could
talk to him and he would have the patience to explain or help you with your problem.

If you didn’t like reading out of a text book all the time you could count on Mr.L to have lively role playing, simulations and hands on activities to round the class. When we reenacted and roleplayed the constitutional convention, I felt like I was in the 1700's making big decisions about our country. Mr.L made up a fun game called, “ Coming to America” we learned what it was like to be Christopher Colombus and his men on there journeys. I always looked forward to his new lessons and I learned many new things.

Mr. L well deserves to be recognized as a excellent teacher who inspired me and taught me a lot about U.S. history. There are many students who enjoyed Mr.L classes. He expected a lot from us but he was always fair. Lessons he prepared for us are over but never forgotten. I feel
I was very lucky to have such a good man for a teacher. Mr.L took learning to the next level.

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