Senior Salazar | Teen Ink

Senior Salazar

April 5, 2012
By ashley van BRONZE, Cleburne, Texas
ashley van BRONZE, Cleburne, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Senior Salazar is a teacher at Cleburne High School. Salazar teaches Spanish one, two and three. Senior Salazar has become my favorite educator in my school career. Senior Salazar cares for his students and teaches well.
At the beginning of each year Senior Salazar gives you a paper to write down all the school activities you participate in, so he can attend at least one of those activities. Senior Salazar greets every student personally when they come into class. Senior Salazar jokes with each student but keeps them on track with their school work at the same time.
When Senior Salazar teaches, he likes to keep his students laughing so we can have fun while learning. He often has a new life story everyday that ties in with the lesson. The students rarely see Senior Salazar’s class as boring and learn the lessons well. I look forward to learning in Senior Salazar’s class during my school day.
Senior Salazar is a good Spanish teacher. He cares about his students and makes sure we stay on track with our school work. His teaching techniques are fun and his class is rarely boring. Senior Salazar is my favorite teacher , and will always be.

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