Favorite Teacher | Teen Ink

Favorite Teacher

March 28, 2012
By cheyanne bartlett BRONZE, Cleburne, Texas
cheyanne bartlett BRONZE, Cleburne, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My favorite teacher of all tI'me is Mr Salazar, or senior Salazar as he likes to be called. He is a Spanish teacher at my school. I had hI'm last year for Spanish one, and this year for Spanish 2. Lets just say Spanish isn't my favorite thing in the whole wide world but Mr. Salazar makes sure i understand it. He has to have one of the biggest hearts around. He even sends money every week to another country to help these kids get and education and survive. Mr Salazar isn't originally from herein the united States. Hes from Guatemala, in South America. Even though hes not from here, he still takes out pledge of allegiance serious, probably more serious than most people. My favorite thing about hI'm is he likes to give us random talks about life and how we can do anything we set our minds to. He reminds us that college isn't that far away (I'm a sophomore) and we need to worry about our grades. Many teachers these days don't really care about us, or our future. They just teach us what they're told to and get paid. But Mr. Salazar is one hundred percent in it for us and our future.

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