Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

March 28, 2012
By ashley tucker BRONZE, Cleburne, Texas
ashley tucker BRONZE, Cleburne, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Tonya Andrews was my geometry teacher my freshman year at Cleburne High School. From the first day I was in her class I knew my year with her would be good. I was worried about taking a pre-ap geometry class but she always explained the work very well and I always understood it. She would put notes on the board for us to take down in our spirals and we would write down formulas in our index cards. We had homework every night but the next day she would always explain it and then give us a quiz. Mrs. Andrews also liked to make up songs for different formulas and rules to help us memorize them. The songs really helped me remember rules when I was taking a test. When someone didn’t understand something, she would take to time explain it again. I remember one quiz that a lot of the class didn’t do well on; she called up each of us to show us where we messed up. I always liked walking in her room because she would have a song playing and the only lights on would be a few lamps. Her room was cozy and very relaxed. Mrs. Andrews was one of the best math teachers I’ve had.

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