Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

April 28, 2011
By hockessinhielf BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
hockessinhielf BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There are many educators I could have chosen to write about, and a lot of them are amazing and dear to me. But out of all of them, one rises above. That one is Mr. Robert Lingenfelter. Never in my life have I met a teacher like him. His unique way of teaching has won him the Educator of the Year Award countless times over. Each year he is only getting better and better. If I could, I would go back to 8th grade just for his class alone. Every lesson in his Social Studies class was like the start of a new adventure.

His unique way of teaching was very refreshing and exciting to me. I had grown tired with the way every class was just lecture and taking notes. Mr. Lingenfelter, or Mr. L, introduced a new method that involved doing simulations from the first pilgrims ships sailing to America to a mock trial where we tried to get our own bill passed. The best part of the bills being passed was that the top two bills in each class were sent to the Delaware State Senator (they were close friends) so Senator Carper could look at them and see if he thought they were good enough to actually be passed! I don’t think I’ve ever had so much fun in a class before.

Not only was Mr. L a great teacher, he was also one of my best friends. He and I would always share a joke with each other, and we loved to push each others buttons. We even had our own hand shake! Don’t think he was giving me special treatment though; I wasn’t the only one who he did stuff like this with. Mr. Lingenfelter was friends with every student, even some who didn’t have him for a class loved him! I can honestly say he is and will always remain in my heart as someone who will keep me motivated even in the toughest of times.

The best thing about Mr. L was without a doubt his ability to get every student involved. In his class there was not one student who was sitting not doing anything; we were all motivated and excited at what was coming next. Everyone was interacting and going along every class. Some people who I rarely saw talk were sitting there laughing their faces off everyday. He was always so funny, coming dressed up like a judge and even having a huge wig; he just made everyone happy everyday, and we were all happy to be there.

A teacher, an educator, a best friend, a motivator, all of these describe Mr. Robert Lingenfelter. He was and will forever be the best teacher I have ever had thus far. I am so sad that I had to leave him back in 8th grade, I miss him and his class so much and I would love to go back just for one day even, just to experience it all over again. I would do that any day and anytime. I forgot to mention one last thing. I look forward to seeing him again in 19 years when we will all be united back to open our time capsule. Until then I can be satisfied nominating him to be teacher of the year.

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