Mr. Robert Ferrell | Teen Ink

Mr. Robert Ferrell

April 28, 2011
By a.robinson14 BRONZE, Middletown, Delaware
a.robinson14 BRONZE, Middletown, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Do work bro

Mr. Ferrell is a great teacher, he is known by many names, Mr. Ferrelli, Ferrelli, and some of us even called him Ferrelli Jawn. He was a great teacher and was always there for his students; he made learning so much fun. And I believe he should be Educator of the Year.
Mr. Ferrell always knew how to make class fun; he could even get the most stubborn students to participate in class. He would come up with activities inside and outside that would help us learn the criteria. He would always crack a joke about things we were learning about, and he just made the classroom atmosphere a little more enjoyable. He always knew how to explain things to people when they didn’t understand; he would put things in terms that the student could relate to.

Along with making class entertaining Mr. Ferrell always knew how to make a student feel better if he could see that they were in a bad mood. If he saw someone upset, he would go up to whoever it was and ask what was wrong. When they told him, he would tell them not to worry about it and keep their head up, or he would crack a little joke about it, and it would always work. Mr. Ferrell was one of the friendliest teachers I have ever had. If you walk by some teachers in the hall, they will ignore you, but not Mr. Ferrell. If you walked by him, it was always, “Hey Alex how are you?” Mr. Ferrell also was very understanding; if you had a rough night and weren’t able to get some of your homework done, he gave you an extension. If you didn’t do your homework, he would ask why, and if you told him you had a tough night, he was fine with that because he understood.

Mr. Ferrell was also always the first one to volunteer around the school. Whenever there was a field trip for PBS, (Positive Behavior Support) he was the first to volunteer to chaperone. Also, Mr. Ferrell would always help other teachers with problems they had, whether it was computer problems or a rowdy class. All in all Mr. Ferrell is just a great person. He is always caring and understanding, and he can put a smile on your face on the worst day of your life.

Therefore, I think that Mr. Robert Ferrell should be Educator of the Year. He was probably the best teacher I ever had. He deserves this award; do the right thing, and award him the honor.

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