Ms. Froh | Teen Ink

Ms. Froh

March 29, 2010
By Kara Ramthun SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Kara Ramthun SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Beginning high school, I had never thought I would like English, having despised it for every year of my schooling career, but I made my way to English 9 on my first day of high school. I was expecting to have some strict, old lady who loved to torture kids. I was instantly shocked to find an energetic woman, with a signature hair style, and love of turtle necks standing before me. Yes, Ms. Frohmader was not like other teachers. She actually enjoyed laughing, and telling stories, and also something foreign to most teachers: she liked to have fun.
We began the year, doing the standard grammar assignments which everyone hates, but in Ms. Froh’s class, I didn’t mind. She related grammar to real life, through stories, and things that actually happen to people. I began to learn that it wasn’t English I had a problem with all those years, it was the stereotypical teacher’s who made it unbearable.
The year went on, and I felt my liking of English begin to grow more and more. Ms. Froh had changed my whole outlook on school. Maybe learning didn’t have to be so hard, and boring. Maybe it could actually be fun, like the Romeo and Juliet project where you had to act part of it out. I will never forget some of my classmates making a video for the project, which was extremely entertaining to watch. She had made learning a new experience for everyone.
Although she is now pursuing a nursing career, and is no longer teaching, she will leave a lasting positive mark on my education. Does she know what impact she made? We may never know, but by nominating her for Educator of the Year, I hope she will see how important she was to so many students.

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