More Than a Mentor | Teen Ink

More Than a Mentor

December 14, 2009
By laurenrachel BRONZE, Cleburne, Texas
laurenrachel BRONZE, Cleburne, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I remember in elementary school the close bond that I shared with almost all of my teachers. I remember on picking out their presents on holidays and delivering them to my teacher. I remember my teachers felt more like a friend than a teacher. All of the memories I once had in elementary school quickly changed when I reached middle school, and then changed even further when I reached the well anticipated, high school. Teachers actually felt like my teachers and I quickly learned that my childhood teacher had moved far, far away and was replaced with a stranger.

In high school, it seemed like all my teachers wanted nothing to do with their students and couldn’t wait for the year to end. I went through my first two years of high school without really enjoying any of my teachers. Don’t get me wrong, they were all nice and must have done a good job at teaching because I never failed, but I didn’t click or connect with any of them aside from the average amount of sucking up that a student does daily. Then my junior year, I was honored and thrilled when I was elected junior class parliamentarian. Along with the other five officers, we would plan prom with the help of the theatre teacher, Mrs. Maxey. I had never taken a theatre class and never met Mrs. Maxey, but the day that I did, I realized that maybe my perception about high school teachers was wrong after all.

Throughout my junior year, we worked on prom and my relationship with Mrs. Maxey turned into a friendship. She taught all six of us officers that working together and making compromises could achieve an idea that may have seemed too big at one time. In the end, everything fell together and prom was a huge success. We officers were proud, the student body was happy and the community was amazed. Mrs. Maxey made the six of us realize that if such a large event can be smoothly planned, then the rest of our high school careers could be as well and all of our feelings of fear and worry for our futures vanished.

In 2005, Mrs. Maxey won teacher of the year when some of her theatre students sent in a letter asking an organization to recognize her for all of her hard work. Mrs. Maxey produces many high school plays a year and also teaches and allows her students to direct their own plays. She has played a key role in many young actors lives and has influenced many of these students to pursue a future in acting, Although, I am not much of an actor, Mrs. Maxey has shown me that all of my dreams and goals can be fulfilled and those who are patient and wait, will be rewarded. Now it is my senior year in high school and I am Mrs. Maxey’s student aide. She is always available when I need someone to listen and she always offers great advice. She could be called my mother away from home as she is always checking on my grades and reminding me of meetings that I have for clubs and organizations.

Mrs. Maxey changed my idea of a teacher and has helped me through some of the toughest times I faced during high school. She has taught me many life lessons that will influence me throughout the years. She has exceeded my expectations in a teacher and proven that a teacher can be a friend as well.

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