educator of the year: barney mcclure | Teen Ink

educator of the year: barney mcclure

December 14, 2009
By kristibabbitt BRONZE, Cleburne, Texas
kristibabbitt BRONZE, Cleburne, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Educator of the Year: Barney McClure

Cleburne is the city outside of the city. Being a neighboring county to the famed Dallas/Ft. Worth metropolis makes our citizens known as simple country folks. At Cleburne High School we take pride in our small town heritage and let the fire of our traditions light our path into our future. Not only do we have high academic scores, but our extracurricular history has always had a record of success. From rural county experience, we excel in the FFA.

Since 1982 Mr. Barney McClure has instilled ambitions and standards in Cleburne High’s Agriculture Department. His direction has led to the anticipation of our present win at state for Radio LDE’s. Mr. McClure is our AG speech teacher. He has taught the young individuals in our chapter how to speak well for our events that we participate in; in the fall and the spring. The FFA chapter has a contest that is creed speaking in which he is in charge of. In our first year of AG we have to learn the creed by heart, which has taken place for 17 years, so it is now a tradition.

Since last year I have been in LDE’s and CDE’s one important thing I have learned for Mr. McClure is to never give up. Strive your hardest and you will go some place in life. Our chapter continues to look up to Mr. McClure every day for advice in hopes to continue our good work and pursue our achievements

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