My English Teacher | Teen Ink

My English Teacher

December 14, 2009
By kiylaguardie BRONZE, Cleburne, Texas
kiylaguardie BRONZE, Cleburne, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My English Teacher

English has always been my favorite subject, I love to read and writing poetry is my hobby. I never knew it was possible for someone my age to actually have their own work published that is until I met Mrs. Bell my sophomore year.

When Mrs. Bell told us at the beginning of the year that we would have to do at least one publication every six weeks I was excited! My work can actually be seen, so I got right on the first one. I went through my poems and picked one out, and asked Mrs. Bell to help me edit it. Two weeks later I got a later stating that my poem had been chosen to be published! If it wasn’t for Mrs. Bell, this would’ve never happened.

Mrs. Bell is the type of teacher that pushes you to your fullest, and is there for you every step of the way. She’s very loving and caring and has a tender heart. I had never seen her get mad at us. How can someone be so tough yet so sweet at the same time? I don’t understand but I don’t really care, I love this teacher so much.

I was sad to leave her class sophomore year, but I felt confident, I had learned so much that year. Everything she taught me I carried on to my junior year and ended up being published again! I loved English more than ever before. Now that junior year was over, I could only hope that I would have Mrs. Bell again for Senior English.

First day of my senior year, at the top of my schedule was Mrs. Bell, English AP. I was so excited; I knew she would be the perfect teacher to help prepare me for college. It hasn’t been anything but great this year; she has helped us so much on so many different levels in preparing us for college. Now I know for a fact I am college bound, and all I can do now is say Thank You Mrs. Bell, I owe you everything. I would’ve never gotten this far in my work without you Mrs. Bell. I hope everyone’s English teacher is as amazing as mine is, and they get the same opportunity to experience all the amazing things I have experienced in High School English!

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