rocking teacher | Teen Ink

rocking teacher

January 27, 2009
By Anonymous

Nominate Mr. Eiguren.

First, Mr. Eiguren is Basque with black hair. He is unique because he wears a tie everyday except for Friday. He also wears a polo shirt everyday except for Friday.
He is sometimes is funny. Mr. Eiguren teaches math.

Next, Mr. Eiguren helps me every step of the way. I like him because he tells me what and shows me what to do. He also helps me by answering my questions. He is very helpful.

Finally, Mr. Eiguren educates us by telling us what we do the assignment. He makes the homework due the end of the week.

Imagine a world without Mr. Eiguren everybody would be upset because their math teacher is to hard on them. Please nominate Mr. Eiguren.

The author's comments:
My favorite color is red and my animal is a horse.

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