Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

April 4, 2019
By tmace22 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
tmace22 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’ve lived in Wisconsin for eight and a half years and I have known Mrs. Hill for eight. I met her as my mom's friend, soon to be my family friend, and my junior study hall supervisor at Arrowhead Union High School.

Mrs. Hill is in charge of the test center (in the back of the study hall room to make up missed tests/quizzes). There, she takes attendance, and keeps the room quiet. She is a petite lady with short blonde hair cut to her shoulders. Walking around in her Uggs in the winter, she blends in with the students. She wears her bright beautiful smile around school that never fails to rub off on me.

Progressively throughout junior year how often we spoke more frequently and the conversations became more personal, which was just what I seemed to need.

Junior year was when she made her impact. How she dealt with high school immaturities all afternoon and still keeping her head on straight baffled me. Being close to my best friend in the alphabet, Mrs. Hill put up with our whispering in what should’ve been a silent room (to an extent, of course). Every so often chimed in with a, “quiet down a bit,” or even just a quick, “shhh,” like she were fading away with her voice tailing off. Mrs. Hill has the patience to handle these high schoolers everyday, gaining my admiration.

Senior study hall without Mrs. Hill was interesting…one week in and I missed her gentle tone that captures attention with little volume. Mrs. Hill would come in early and work in the mornings as opposed to her normal afternoons to help out. She went of her way to help out and ease the craziness. Even if someone is gone on a trip and she can fill in—she is there, with her warming smile.

Outside of school Mrs. Hill volunteered at football, volleyball, and basketball concessions. Mrs. Hill was where the volunteers needed her. Football senior night she worked concessions (even though her senior son was on the team). She also announced at the majority of home hockey games this season, boys and girls. She stepped up and starting helping out as a executive board member of the Blue Line Club (the board of parents and volunteers that  helped operate the high school hockey program). Mrs. Hill was prepared for all the bumps in the road as if she were the one who paved it. Having an answer to all of my questions or even just the willingness to find out for me. A hug from Mrs. Hill never seemed like something I missed until I was so used to them during hockey season.

My appreciation for Mrs. Hill goes miles past previous teachers. A group and I did a random act of kindness for Mrs. Hill. We got flowers and wrote a note showing our appreciation and when we gave her the both, she glowed with love. Mrs. Hill was so thankful we had gone out of our way to demonstrate to her how much she means to us and to the student body.

So thank you, Mrs. Hill, for the big bold smile. Thank you for the conversations that I always seem to need. And thank you for being my inspiring educator.

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