Mrs. Whittni Brown | Teen Ink

Mrs. Whittni Brown

December 21, 2018
By Tioni BRONZE, Canton, Ohio
Tioni BRONZE, Canton, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Nothing is impossible, the word itself says, 'I'm possible'!"- Audrey Hepburn

My teacher, Mrs. Whittni Brown, is very special to me. Not only because of our ethnicity and common religious beliefs, but because she teaches me and my classmates the importance of diversity and the value of art. She's had a huge impact on us since the start of art club. She's shown us how to use style, technique, and skill to create art, whether digital or hand-made. She enlightens us on the many aspects of drawing such as line, color, shape, and texture. Not to mention the fact that she's the cheeriest person I've ever met, and I make sure to remind her constantly.

She loves art from all cultures, and often relates our work to her personal life. She teaches me and my peers to express our opinions kindly, and to properly give feedback on other's art. Her favorite phrase is "If you don't have anything nice to say, just don't say anything at all."

Mrs. Brown has given me great awareness and has taught me indispensable lessons. One of the lessons I learned is to never doubt myself. I learned to never overlook my abilities or what I am capable of creating. She's also taught me that I have a voice, and that I shouldn't let my shyness keep me from showing my talent. Not just me, but all of her students. We, as an online school/community, admire the work and time she puts into training us to be professional artists. We couldn't ask for a better teacher.

The author's comments:

I usually draw celebrities, symbols, or instruments. My art club teacher has encouraged me to explore other types of artwork, including drawing a self-portrait. I'm currently finishing up that project. I hope she'll be proud of me.

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