College Bound | Teen Ink

College Bound MAG

By Anonymous

   He was leaving our life forever. He'd be back on visits, but the idea of one less person in the house didn't make sense.

He needed to expand his knowledge and prove to the world who he was. Of course, the people close to him would help him along the way , help him make his life successful. We all wanted him to lead a successful life. I was just sorry that he had to leave to do it.

When you're with someone for over ten years, you can get pretty attached, especially when you always had fun with him and he was there whenever you needed him. So it is pretty difficult when he suddenly disappears from your life

Now it's like being an only child, which is boring. Not having him to cheer you up, not having him to keep you company, not having him to laugh with, fight with, talk with. is rough It's like being all alone. It's like having your best friend move away. It's like a part of you is missing. n

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i love this so much!