How Can You Write Without Light? | Teen Ink

How Can You Write Without Light? MAG

By Anonymous

   My light is out. I'm not writing. Well, I'm not writing yet.

"Amanda, you don't have enough light." Yes, Dad. I'm not writing yet. Goodbye, Dad. You two can leave now, and go have a nice dinner.

"Honey, you don't have enough light there!" I know, Mom. Maybe that has something to do with the fact that I'm not writing yet. Just because I have my books all around me, a pad of paper on my lap, and a pencil in my hand, it doesn't mean I'm scribbling away like a madman, trying to get down some brilliant idea.

The fact is, I've been brainstorming all day for a topic to write about (and now I have a brain cramp from thinking too hard). I'm trying to go about this writing process in an organized manner, but it doesn't seem to be working. I've thought about a few possibilities for topics, but they seem so lame! How about an essay about cats? Should I write about braces being a pain? Would people be interested in listening to me complain about the frustratingly boring shows on t.v.? Do they want to hear me question why the New Kids, with their frog-woman voices, have made it on the radio? I think not.

Perhaps I will write about my life, or my year, or my day. My day was horribly interesting. I ate, slept, and puttered around the house instead of going to the prison across town called school. I could tell about my year, 1989. I ate, went to school, worked, ate, slept, ate, and went to school again. My life - I will not consider writing about - is even more complex (you may have noted my sarcasm). Perhaps I will write about not knowing what to write about.

Perhaps I've just written my essay?!?!

"I see you're still not writing. Your light is off."

(Click) No, Mom. Now my light is on. Looks like I'll get to it, because I think I've found a topic...... n

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i love this so much!