The Unsung Heroes | Teen Ink

The Unsung Heroes MAG

By Anonymous

   August 2, 1990 - Crisis in the Middle East

Hitler's precedent - Saddam Hussein

invades his Arab brother Kuwait

To some, this Iraqi leader is a beast

Yet, others think that he will reign

Consequently, there is a pertinent date

So do watch for January 15th; it is the deadline

For the United Nations Security Council to give commands

To the U.S. troops to free the beseiged country

A peaceable resolution, is there any sign?

Or will our troops be in demand

To grant Kuwait its liberty?

This esoteric question poses much controversy

For some back home feel that having our forces there

is extremely unnecessary!

President Bush will not be content with a deal,

Saying either pull out or face warfare!

Yet, who do most forget?

The American soldier who pays the debt

He or she leaves loved ones behind

to go to a foreign nation where they are "blind"!

Unfamiliar with customs and ways

Missing their families and special days

Bearing the desert's draining conditions

Holding close to dreams and ambitions

And so, a message to our soldiers:

Try to keep spirits up high

As the days pass by

For when you all return - you will!

The available position of Hero, you will fill

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i love this so much!