Within Myself | Teen Ink

Within Myself

March 25, 2009
By nequa powell BRONZE, Suffolk, Virginia
nequa powell BRONZE, Suffolk, Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My name was Nequa P. but it seems like ever since that day I am not the same anymore. Growing up I had it all except for a father in my life. I had everything a mother and a grandfather that love me. Years after years I wonder about when I would ever meet my own father but it never seem to happen. The type of life I had was good but I felt that parts were missing like a father and sisters and brothers, well basically a real family. I was at age of 7 thinking that because of the people that surrounded me. I wanted their life style.
My household was built on respect and the difference between right and wrong. My mother and grandfather had raise me into a beautiful rose but as things in my life start to change I turn into a seed that just needs sunlight, water, and oxygen. At the age of nine my mother had gotten married to a man. At first I was very excited because I was like, “This is the man that is gone to be the father that I always wanted, we are going to have a real family,” I thought to myself. I was ten, we had move in apartment, my mother had a baby boy and I had my step brother. I thought this was something that I wanted but it wasn’t. I got tired of getting yelled at and being lied on; I just couldn’t take it anymore.
I am fourteen now and I have been going though the same thing and its turn me into a different person, “I am not the beautiful rose anymore,” I told myself. Someday I wish I could go back and then there are days when I try to seek to find the inter side of me but I just can’t. I feel like she is gone and she isn’t never going to come back.

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