My Favorite Place | Teen Ink

My Favorite Place MAG

By Anonymous

   The warm orange glow of the evening in summer sun creates a sparkling golden path across the vast blue ocean. The surrounding sky is scattered with wispy clouds colored pink, orange, and creamy violet. A lonely surfer, silhouetted against the colorful sky, skillfully skims over rolling waves. A distant shrimp boat chugs across the horizon as swarms of sea gulls trail behind, screeching and swooping for bait tossed into the water. A frightened crab darts across the sand in front of me and scurries into a nearby hole. The warm wind rustles the sea oats and tugs gently at strands of my hair. The constant crash of tumbling foamy waves muffles the laughter of a group of children who race by me in a game of tag. I feel the cool smooth sand glide between my toes and fingers. My skin is pleasantly warm; it still tingles from the intensity of the afternoon sun. The sky begins to darken as the sun melts into the ocean. Soon thousands of cluttered stars sprinkle the evening sky and the moon reveals a sliver of silver crescent. It seems strange that one place, one moment in nature could reach such perfection. I smile with peace and contentment as I think to myself: this is my favorite place. n

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i love this so much!