Is Artificial Intelligence Necessary? | Teen Ink

Is Artificial Intelligence Necessary?

April 26, 2017
By zoejesh BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
zoejesh BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Back to the Future has to be one of my favorite movies. But nothing can top the Harry Potter movies in my opinion. One my favorite scenes from both movies, is seeing the flying cars. Of course it will be a while until we are driving flying cars, but with today’s technology we are getting closer and closer to that point. No matter how cool it may be, there are way more dangers than benefits by allowing AI to take over. For example the Terminator. It started off as an Artificial Intelligence robot, but it soon went wrong and started killing. What would happen to us if a robot much smarter and stronger was created? How would a situation like that be handled? That is why allowing Artificial Intelligence to run our everyday lives is not such a good idea.


First of, what exactly is artificial intelligence? The idea of it began when John McCarthy designed an investigation to understand how machines could simulate some aspects of intelligence. That idea has been the driving force for the concept of AI. Since then many tests have been done. Recently one hundred year study was launched, to better understand what artificial intelligence can actually do. According to a report written by the AI100 Standing Committee and Study Panel at Stanford University, the one hundred year study is based off of an earlier effort known as the “AAAI Asilomar Study. AAAI being the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence. The whole point of this one hundred year study is to examine the following: AI’s influence on people, their communities, and society. Since then many programs with AI have been created.

That being the case, Microsoft developed a chatbot called Tay. It was originally designed to better understand how much Artificial Intelligence could learn by interacting with people. John West, a writer for the Quartz, said  “Their chatbot took less than twenty four hours to change Tay’s cheery greeting of “Humans are super cool!” to morph into the decidedly less bubbly “Hitler was right”.” Because the Tay bot was so disastrous, it brought to the surface the hidden dangers of Artificial Intelligence.  So if a robot run on artificial intelligence can learn that much in such little time. What are other issues that may arise if AI is already this powerful. However that really isn’t the question we should be asking ourselves. The real one is: Who benefits?  If the adaptation of AI continues to grow at the rate it is at now, what will happen to the rest of society?

Today people are becoming more and more dependant on technology. But that also means jobs meant for people will become more scarce as these technological advancements keep occurring. With the rapid expansion of tech containing AI, copious amounts of data are being created. So much that a problem arises when the data has to be analyzed, causing more problems for the creators. A big one being the Google Self-Driving Car. Designed by Google, this self driving car is one of the most ambitious tests. While it is able to navigate longs trips, it needs sensors that alert when the vehicle may be in danger. But in order for that to work, all cars would need to have the exact same sensors as well. Therefore causing more harm than good. Because of the fact that all older model cars would become useless. According to Gordon Sayre, a writer for The Guard, he says “This sounds like a godsend for weary commuters, but hundreds of thousands of driverless cars would make traffic congestion worse, not better. The self-driving car threatens to reduce incentives to live closer to work, to work from home, or to commute by train or bus, decisions that take cars off the road and reduce pollution and oil consumption. And if the digital networked expressway becomes a reality, more cars than ever will be burning gas, spewing carbon dioxide, and then exiting into the analog side streets.” So in the end, the recurring question of “Who benefits?” returns, and we are once again back to square one.

In the end, the idea that self-driving cars, and robots that are smarter than any human is cool. Think again, because by developing the Tay bot and self-driving cars that both have their many downs, AI has the potential to ruin our lives. The more programs run off of Artificial Intelligence we may not like where it will take us. We could end up in the next Terminator movie, with AI causing chaos and disrupting our everyday lives.

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