Nana's Lamp | Teen Ink

Nana's Lamp MAG

By Anonymous

    When I was little, I prized it the most above all ordinary


When I visited Nana, I would stand there for hours

admiring its glory and grace.

its carved golden base was a wondrous work,

and in light the gold was so brilliant.

Off of its trunk there were great golden branches

that seemed to reach out for a touch.

And off of these branches hung emerald leaves

that sparkled and twinkled and winked.

To top all of this there was a green velvet lampshade

that set the whole tree in an elegant glow.

A soft yellow light crept from under the velvet

and lit all the leaves with a cold emerald fire.

Its beauty was such that I stood there and shivered.

It surely is worth a million or so.

To see it today it seems very tacky with its

spray painted base

and chintzy glass leaves.

But when I was five there was nothing finer than

Nana's emerald tree.

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i love this so much!