Only of Many | Teen Ink

Only of Many

March 15, 2017
By mikaylalittman BRONZE, Abington, Massachusetts
mikaylalittman BRONZE, Abington, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I go throughout life being an only for many things. The only daughter. The only granddaughter. The only girl in a room full of boys. The only one to experience emotions in ways my brothers cant relate to. The only one of my friends to grow up without a mom. The only of many.

Boys will be boys, and being a girl with male figures you pick up on some of their traits.I was the only girl who played baseball, just like my brothers. I was the only girl who knew just as much about sports as the other boys, just like my brothers. I was a trouble maker, just like my brothers. I learned right from wrong but had to learn things on my own, because of my brothers. I am the only girl.

Being the only girl isn't all bad. My grandma spoils me. Its like she is living through me. What ever I want, whenever I want because I am the only granddaughter. My friends tell their moms everything. Drama, secrets, crushes and the day to day stuff that isn't important you just still tell. I am the only one that doesn't do that. The close relationship my friends have with their moms is a foreign relationship to me. I am the only one.

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