It's Fun, Isn't It? | Teen Ink

It's Fun, Isn't It? MAG

By Anonymous

    It's Fun, Isn't It?
You wake up in the morning
And look outside.
The sky is blue.
The sun is bright.
You turn the radio on ...
And bang!!!
Someone had been murdered, again.
You switch on the TV ...
Guess what?
Another star had caught H.I.V.
On the front page of a paper
You see a fight.
You are almost too scared
To go outside.
A husband killed his wife and child.
The riots in L.A. are running wild.
You open a magazine ...
What do you find?
An actor went out of his mind.

Sometimes I wonder, like you do
where this world is going to?
Is it this bad?
Is it that dangerous?
Or perhaps, this kind of news
Is more advantageous.
Those news people are not stupid.
They'll write anything
As long as we buy it.

Are we making a difference
Or helping a cause?
No, we read, listen and watch
Because ...
We are eager
To know that again, someone pulled a trigger,
Or that someone lost an eye or a leg,
Or that a rich man became poor
And from now on will have to beg,
Or that a man went out of his mind,
Or a man who was alive the other day
Today had died.
A big explosion in the sky.
A businessman strangled himself with a tie.
An actor had an affair
With his foster-daughter.
A singer was too drunk
To get a glass of water.

It's fun to read a juicy story.
But we invade people's homes and hearts
Not even bothering to say "I'm Sorry!"

So what's your opinion of this, my friend?
It's time, we bring it to an end!
Stop reading all that juicy gossip!
If we don't buy it,
They won't write it.
Let's control the media!
Don't let it sell us bull!
Stop being such a selfish, blind and heartless

But when you read a paper tomorrow,
It's the same old thing!
Shall we wait till we and our loved ones
End up the victims of this sin?!

by M. V., Brookline, MA

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This article has 1 comment.

i love this so much!