The Political Status Of The United States | Teen Ink

The Political Status Of The United States MAG

By Anonymous

   The Political Status Of The United States

by C. E., Georgetown, MA

I am sure that many of you in Massachusetts have seen many of the recent television ads for both Kennedy and Romney. I think that most of our candidates and political leaders are giving not only our state, but the entire country a bad name. Never have I witnessed such a degree of immaturity and senseless bickering in all of my short 17 years of life.

Instead of focusing on their own strong points, they must focus on others' bad points. Why would we want people who find it neccesary to slander and verbally attack one another in a childish frenzy in the halls of our government? I cannot single out these two candidates (Kennedy and Romney) because they were certainly not the ones who brought about the concept. I however find it necessary to wonder why wealthy, immature people are elected as our voice in Congress to represent us. Even most presidential candidates have used these tactics in the past; do you want someone like that making national decisions affecting you? I can say without a shadow of a doubt that I certainly don't. I believe that the right people to be in office are those who have done so much for our country that they can focus their election promotion with the efforts they have made and things they have done in the past and are presently doing for the benefit of our nation.

For our well-being as a country, I urge you to take these words into account when deciding for whom to vote.

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i love this so much!