What Does Our Future Hold? - The Electric Car | Teen Ink

What Does Our Future Hold? - The Electric Car MAG

By Anonymous

   The first electric car that has been built from scratch was unveiled by Wilmington-based Solectria Corporation. This car is expected to be manufactured in Massachusetts by 1997. I believe that the following points about electric-powered automobiles will convince you that it will make the future a bright one.

The Prototype "Sunrise" is a sleek four-seater made entirely of non-metal composite materials. It is expected to sell for under $20,000 dollars and travel 120 miles on a lead-acid battery.

Supporters of this project see it as a way for New England to become a leader in the high technology industry. This project could be a significant business opportunity, as well as an environmental opportunity.

Another positive point about the "Sunrise" is that it will create a substantial number of new skilled jobs in New England with full production expected in 1997.

Federal requirements call for all companies and government agencies that produce large fleets of vehicles to convert increasing percentages of their vehicles to fuels other than gasoline or diesel. This requirement provides New England with more than 80,000 alternative fuel vehicles, including electronics by 1999.

The "Sunrise," thanks to its light-weight composite body, weighs only 1,600 pounds, less than the cars presently on the United States market. The size of the compact car is surprisingly roomy, seating four passengers comfortably.

The car will be equipped with an inductive charger designed by Hughes Corporation, which uses a magnetic field to transfer energy to the battery, and eliminates any danger of electric shock even when charging the car in the rain or snow.

An important phase of the project will be to analyze how to mass produce the car as efficiently as possible, and put it through a program of crash testing to ensure it meets U.S. safety standards. After those tests are completed, the next step is to build a few in 1996, and begin full-scale production in 1997, if the necessary funding can be obtained.

The "Sunrise" will be an effective project to undertake, both by private and governmental agencies to make the environment a better place for the future. u

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This article has 2 comments.

i love this so much!

rob burke said...
on Aug. 18 2009 at 8:04 pm
rob burke, South Elgin, Illinois
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments
i find this realy kina sad that we have the tech to make cars like that but dont even thoe it would boost the economy