Letter to Future Me | Teen Ink

Letter to Future Me

November 1, 2016
By MarcosThomas BRONZE, Oakland, New Jersey
MarcosThomas BRONZE, Oakland, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Hey older Marcos? Or older me? I’m not sure which one I should call you, so I’ll just call you future me. Anyway, everything pretty solid back here in the past, ya know, out here grinding in high school. At the time that I, or you, or me are writing this, I’m only a freshman. I wonder what you're doing now. Probably out there living lavish, making big bucks, just like I expected. Nah, I’m just kidding. We’re probably just living an average joe life, but you better have some money or I’ll go to the future and give you a nice slap. Anyway, hows mom and dad? Probably still arguing like always. Alessandra's probably in like California right now doing her own thing, but hopefully she visits you/me/us once in awhile. How’s Kato? Actually nevermind, just realized he’d have to be 100 in dog years to still be alive. Oops. So, do you have any ladies? And yes, I said ladies on purpose *wink wink*. I know you probably do, just making sure that I’m not some old crab on the street when I’m 30. Back to my life, if you don't remember, I’m in Ramapo, and I play freshman football. Maybe I’m a football player for the Detroit Lions in my future life, or your life, but now, I’m just a freshman slot receiver. Anyway, life’s pretty alright, but teachers are somewhat rough. Especially Ms. Noah. Do you remember Ms. Noah? She’s something else. Always drinking that diet coke of hers. This is kinda hard for me to write because you already know everything about me, if not more, but I’m trying. By the way, I’m only doing this because my english teacher is making me, so don't feel special. Nanas doing alright, she getting up there in age, but shes still moving and grooving, playing bingo all day. So now I have some questions. To start, these aren't really for you, no offense, but they're really for me to look back on and read this in the future thinking “God how much of an idiot was I” and have at least something to answer when I read this. So now the questions. What college did I go to? Was I successful in something? Did I accomplish something that I wanted to? Did I make my family proud? Those are all things I hope that we accomplish or have already accomplished. So, if you remember, which I doubt you do because we both know we have a terrible memory, that we just moved from Teaneck to Oakland. It was weird because mom and dad said that we were moving in a month, and then the next day, the moving truck is there and dad is rushing me to get all my things. It was a blur, but then again everything is a blur when you have a memory as bad as ours. The new house is nice, Kato likes it a lot. Lots of space for him to run around and enjoy. I saw a fox the other day, but that's another story. Anyway, the neighbors are all nice, I play basketball with this kid up the street sometimes, but he goes to hills. What a nerd. But he's a cool kid, showed me around the neighborhood when I first got here, so I guess he's alright. This is a big question I wanted to ask this whole time I was writing. Are you ready? Are you sure? Ok, who won the 2016 election? Did Hillary win? I hope she won. And it's not because I necessarily like her or want her to president, it's just because I don't want Trump to be president. He's a nut, and everyone can agree on that. I wonder if he's president. Well, I'll find out in about couple weeks so wish past America some luck! Now to talk about my future. I want to go to a nice college, preferably Stanford or Ucla, because I don't like the cold too much. Maybe future me does, but now, no sir. I'm thinking about psychology, but I'm not too sure yet. Gotta keep my options open. I want a nice house, not too big, not too small, and a dog. Not one of those small ones that bark constantly, but a good size one, like Kato. And a nice car, nice she collection, and a nice job later on. Hopefully we (meaning you, but you are me) already have that, but that's what I want. So I've just about run out of things to talk about, and I've passed the minimum limit for words by like 200 I think, so I'm just going to end it here. I'm not sure what the future holds for me, but hopefully it's something good. Well, back to reality, gotta finish this paper for bio. Talk to you later future Marcos. Oh and by the way, how's that girl you liked doing? 

The author's comments:

A letter to my future self that I'll be able to look back on and think "God what an idiot was I"

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on Nov. 7 2016 at 8:36 am
MarcosThomas BRONZE, Oakland, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments
Great Work!!!!!!!