Being Smart Enough | Teen Ink

Being Smart Enough

August 4, 2016
By Anonymous

Hi, my name is Nadia and i am 12 year old girl doing normal things. But I think that I am a little more than normal honestly Ithink that  am stuipid. I had ot redo a grade and ever since that  really dont understand anything I hate my self for being stupid. I have such a hard time in school and I wish when I did have a hard time I wish there was just someone to stand by my side and just help me. I feel like every time I go to school I will succseed but acaully I cant. I just get bad grade no mtter what I do how much I try absitluy nothing works. I am always the one who needs extra time on work I hate it. Sometimes , I want to kill myself but I have to think about all of the great opertunetys life. So when ever I did strugle people did make fun of me and I have to keep it real with then and tell them ,"it is not your buisness I might have a bit more troble with things and that it not a problem dont make youself feel better by making fun of me I am a human just like you,". It will not always be easy fell easy doing that but it'll be better. My mom says "oh yea you are smat" but really she is just ying to make me feel better. I cry and cry because when i get my report card that my sister has A's and I have F' or C's. It get so bad that people world sit there and tell me that I am stupid I world try to hold back my tear but it is so hard you have this feeling in my body that tells me "cry Nadia cry" but I then I would start crying. Yea mabe there is some people out there probly in the same problem but just keel psotive.


But, this year I am putting all the playing beside me and I am going to try to get my grades up that is my goal and dont forget to keep trying no matter what.

The author's comments:

I want you guys to learn from this that it is not cool to be rude to other people that have stugles just treat then the smae as everyone else. I want people to lean it is okay be different you can keep going set a goal for youself and try to reach that goal you are amazing no matter what happens. You can be smart you just have to keep trying.

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