Computers | Teen Ink

Computers MAG

By Anonymous

   Throughout the day, I often hear myself called a geek or computer nerd, because I like computers. Most people who know me would say that my interest in computers goes beyond just liking them; they say I'm obsessed with them.

It seems that nowdays it's not cool to use a computer for more than typing an occasional letter or playing a game or two, at least according to most kids in my school. Maybe that's why people think I'm causing such a major gaffe. From most people's reaction, you would think that I'm dabbling in some form of witchcraft instead of using a computer.

The reason I (and so many others) are hooked on computers is because there is so much you can do. You can do anything from playing games and typing letters or reports to surfing the 'net where you can read books, chat with others by typing back and forth, and even see them through video links. You can join clubs, e-mail people all around the world, find information for school projects, listen to music and much more. Another great thing about computers is that you can design your own programs to fit your needs and if you're skillful enough, you can even build your own computer.

So just because I'm smart and like computers does not mean that I am a geek, it means that I want to succeed in life. Just remember that it is people like me who make today's latest technology and design the latest software. And it is people like me who make the big money and succeed in life! u

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i love this so much!