The Riot | Teen Ink

The Riot

December 13, 2008
By Anonymous

I'm sure everone has witnessed something in their lifetime right? well i have i witnessed a terrible fight that i've witnesses in my community. That fight that i witnessed was shocking and it scared me at the same time. Also i was find of lost because the teenagers who was fighting weere all friends before the fight went down but i will futhermore explain my reason as to how the fight confused me and scared me.

A big riot dealing with about twenty to twent-five teens ranging fron sixteen years of age to nineteen years old. the fight occured August 16,2008 the fight happend so fast a young boy by the name of David was going back and forth telling one set of his friends was talking about him so the bboys were walking up and down the road telling him to come out so he came out and the boys jumped on him. So David went to call his family and that's when it all begins.

So as the teenagers were fighting a neighbor came out the door watching them fight about seven minutes later she back in the house and called the police so about ten minutes later all you could here was the sirens of the cops coming so every body scattered away as quick as they could.

Last but not least after a week later all of the tension being stirred up by the stupidity of one individual the two groups came together and talked about their problems that they were having so they decided to settle their differencies with each other.
In conclusion to telling you about my eyewitness report there was a big riot in my community all because of this one ignorant person, who couldn't decide who he wanted to hang out with causes a big confusion with the two groups. so now that i've told you about my eyewitness report why don't you share you report with me.

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