Cold Fusion: The Future Of Energy | Teen Ink

Cold Fusion: The Future Of Energy MAG

By Anonymous

   In 1989 a very controversial, yet exciting experiment involving nuclear energy took place. The two scientists, B. Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann, claimed to have fused two atoms of heavy water in a simple electric cell. This by itself from a scientific standpoint is not that impressive. Similar experiments had been accomplished thousands of times. The only difference was that Pons and Fleischmann's fusion of atoms was done at room temperature. Before that it was not deemed possible to have fusion unless the atoms were under extreme amounts of heat.

Normal nuclear fusion and fission itself produces very powerful and impressive yields of energy. In normal fusion, two lighter nuclei are combined to form one nucleus that is twice as heavy. The energy released by the fusing of nuclei in the form of light or heat is known as nuclear energy.

The reason that Pons and Fleischmann's experiment was so publicized is that the ability to control high yields of nuclear energy at room temperature would result in an almost free, unlimited source of energy for large populations. A few gallons of water would be enough to power New York City for years.

The only problem with cold fusion experiments are that they are very inconsistent. Most past experiments have failed, but scientists continue testing new hypothesis every day, in hopes of understanding the mysteries of cold fusion.

If a nuclear physicist were able to recreate cold fusion on a consistent basis, the repercussions would be great. Countries around the world would have a limitless supply of energy, at very cheap costs. Small buildings would be able to power large countries through cold fusion, cutting down on the loss of heat and electricity in nations everywhere. Countries would experience a great decrease in pollution, famine, and death. We can only hope that one day soon a scientists will be able to harness the power of cold fusion. u

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i love this so much!