Papa | Teen Ink


February 13, 2009
By Anonymous

When you do something you love, it is not just a hobby to you, it is something you have a passion for. The things I love doing the most are playing the viola and being surrounded by music. When music plays, or I pick up my viola, I can?t help but remember when got me where I am today with my musical capabilities.

My family always told me I resembled my great-grandpa Mike, or as I called him, Papa. They always said I was like him with my attitude and thoughts, I didn?t see it. When I was born, my Papa was 81. For as long as I can remember, he had a hearing aid and a miniscule amount of Alzheimer?s disease. Through all of that though, you somehow knew that he truly existed for his family, and that he loved us, more then we will ever know. In 2006, two years after my family and I moved from California to Texas, I started 6th grade and Downing Middle School. We received lists of options for electives and courses you can take. After thinking long and hard, something within me said to pick orchestra and learn how to play the viola. I had always treasured music, so this was the perfect plan for me. That specific year my papa was 91, still living with his wife, Sydel, but to me, she was Nana. I called my Papa one night like I always did, and began to tell him about my plan to take orchestra class. The way he sounded on the phone was completely full of joy. I had never heard him so blissful. Of course, because he was cheerful I was instantly cheerful too. He had always had effect on me, and with everyone he met. Later on that night, I asked my parents for an explanation of Papa?s overly exited attitude. My parents explained to me that Papa played the violin growing up, and never in his wildest dreams would he have thought one of his great-grandchildren would follow in his footsteps, and that he would still be alive when it happened.

Needless to say, I joined the orchestra and really worked hard. I was improving more each and everyday. In November of 2006, my Nana passed away. Papa was now depressed, lonesome, and most of all puzzled because his memory was not strong anymore. Two years passed and it was the year of 2008. I was beginning the eighth grade, which to me meant chamber orchestra and I was thrilled! In September, we began getting calls quite repeatedly from my Grandpa regarding my Great- Grandpa?s health. His strength was slipping away from his very hands, he was dying. After struggling for nearly two months, my Papa passed away peacefully in his sleep, at the age of 94.

I have gotten past the sadness of Papa?s passing, even though I miss him till no end. My dedication to music has extended significantly. Music forms me as a person. I wouldn?t be anywhere with out it. Music, now more then ever, makes me the girl I am today. Without it, I would be lost in this world. I do something I love not only for the enjoyment; I do it for the man that influenced me the most, my Papa. Throughout his life, he lived for my family and me. Now I like to say I am doing the same for him. I know he is watching over me. I am making him proud as he takes every step with me, not only through my musical experiences, but my life. While doing all this, I am fulfilling a dream of mine, and more prominently, my Papa?s dream for me.

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