fake? or fiction? | Teen Ink

fake? or fiction?

February 11, 2009
By Kylie Carlson BRONZE, Chsjk, Colorado
Kylie Carlson BRONZE, Chsjk, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As a freshman, people change. I have noticed that my best friend has turned to our other friends and left me in the dust... and now my other best friend spreads rumors about me and makes stupid videos about me claimming I turned into a self centered, egotistical, backstabbing brat who never deserved his friendship and is happy to not have me tagging along any longer, when in fact he was the one who told everyone we were brother and sister... and now, my worst enemy last year is my best friend: the gil I can tell EVERYTHING, the ONE person in life who will stick up for me when she feels it's right and the one that i cancall my sister because she is one of the only people who feels comfortable around my wacko family. but this year has just opened my eyes to how much people can change in such a short time and it really makes me wonder if the people in your life now are really there to stay or if they are just looking for something in return...

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