Behind the wheel | Teen Ink

Behind the wheel

October 1, 2015
By AndreaL SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
AndreaL SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Days before the teacher taught me how to drive I told my dad to teach me before I drove with the teacher. Since I haven't been behind the wheel before, I didn't know if I was going to drive good or bad. But my dad never actually taught me how to drive since he came late and tired from work.

The night before the day I would start learning how to drive my uncle came over and visit us. I asked him if he could teach me how to drive, because I didn't want to drive horrible the day the teacher was going to teach me. But he didn't trust me since I haven't driven before. He only taught me the basic things. He taught me how to grab the wheel and that I shouldn't press the accelerator hard, that I had to be gentle. He also told me where the lights were and that I had to adjust the mirrors and the seat to whatever I felt comfortable with.

The next morning I went to school I was nervous because it would be the first time driving. I thought I wasn't going to drive good. I just kept asking myself questions. Am I going to drive good? If I'm doing something wrong will the teacher tell me? Later that day I had to go with the driver’s Ed teacher. We went out to where the car was parked. There were two other girls who were also going to learn how to drive.

I got in the car and checked the mirrors, I adjusted the seat and I turned the car on. When I pressed the accelerator with my foot I pressed it slowly and gentle, just like how my uncle told me to. When it was time to stop I also pressed the brakes gentle. I had trouble parking, but it was the first time I tried to park the car, I don't think no one gets to park it perfect the first time. After that, when we were done for the day I realized that it wasn't that hard and I didn't had anything to worry about. I wasn't that bad at driving. It felt good to finally be able to drive and know that I didn't have anything to worry about.

The next few days I felt confident to go driving, I practiced more and more at parking and now I'm not that bad at it anymore. It's better to know that you will do fine than having to worry and being nervous. I was really happy when I finally got the permit. Now I have my driver’s license and I still keep driving to get better at it.

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