A Melting Pot of Personalities | Teen Ink

A Melting Pot of Personalities

January 13, 2009
By Anonymous

It’s tenth hour, only forty more minutes until we are released from school. It’s hard having Spanish class as the last class of the day. However, if you just sit back and watch how the students interact with one another, the hour can speed by.

First on the agenda, the fractious teacher checks the homework from previous nights. Sra always wears flamboyant and ostentatious clothes. Each time Sra calls on a student, they get oral points, which can boost your grade. Our class can be split up into many groups; first you have the jaunty kids who raise their hand at every opportunity to boost their grade. Another group is timorous students; made up of mostly the popular athletes. They tend to interject others—Sra always expunges points for rude and obnoxious students.

There is also another group, a utopia of some sort. They are stuck in a delusional world; mainly they stare at their desk all forty minutes. There is a girl who sits in the front…her hair used to be almost down to her butt bone. She recently truncated it to her shoulders. The drastic change makes her constantly play with her hair, twirling it, pulling it up, and taking it back down—she causes most of the distractions. Yesterday, she put an excess amount of lotion on, and Sra said, “Your being an anathema,” and sent her to the back of the room—Sra gets sick at the smell of anything floral.

When Sra decides that to do group work, she schisms us up into 6 groups and we work on the homework. By observing a class, you can learn about your classmates without speaking a word to them. People watching are what sociologists do to conclude studies. In participating in studying your classmates, you have become a sociologist.

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