Discrimination is Wrong | Teen Ink

Discrimination is Wrong

February 27, 2015
By blue-moon SILVER, Palm Desert, California
blue-moon SILVER, Palm Desert, California
8 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If Life is art, Then what is Death?"

    I can’t believe how many people are discriminating against the people of this world. We are all the asmae. We all have the same brains, and we all are human. So why do people hate other people? Everyone is different, but that’s not an excuse to hate people. Discrimination against gay people or people of color is wrong. It’s not our fault we were born this way. We can’t just force ourselves to be straight or white. That’s the worst thing about this world and these people. They just hate on anyone because they are different. They hate on people of color because they’re different, they hate on transgender people because they are different, they hate on the entire lgbt+ community because they are different. What has this world come to? Why can’t we marry who we want? Why can’t we be who we are? It’s not fair to anyone. It’s not fair to be treated like trash. We are still people, and we are still living and breathing just like you. Just like everyone else. So discrimination against anyone is wrong. Everyone should just accept everyone else. Because it’s not fair that we get discriminated against. It needs to stop. Discrimination is a huge problem in this world, and no one seems to notice it. When their are gay pride parades, there are almost always people holding signs saying “Gays are hated by God” and such. Your religion cannot stop us for being who we are. It’s like saying, since I’m on a diet you can’t eat that cookie. I’m not saying that religion is bad, and it’s not, but using it as an excuse to hate anyone is wrong. Just because someone is an atheist doesn’t mean they “worship satan”. Discrimination needs to stop and I really hope it does. People need to understand that it is bad and is wrong in every way. So please, take this into consideration. If you hate people of color, or people of the lgbt+ community, or anyone of a different religion, stop. All you are doing is spreading hatred towards people who do not deserve it. 

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