Four Connected Lakes | Teen Ink

Four Connected Lakes

December 18, 2014
By austin conway SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
austin conway SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There is only one connected lake. I am the only one who is unique. Four full lakes, united with crystal blue water, each flowing into the other. Four that stay together but one day break apart.
Their strength is in numbers.  They send waves to one another to talk. The sleepy lakes never sleep, as the waves crash into the shore. Each lake not ready to move on.
One by one each let go beginning a new life. As time pases  the lakes would drain one after another. The channels dry up separating to form they own self-being. Crash, crash, crash one wave would say after another. They echo.
When time is too near and too empty to my surroundings, the lake fills me up until it is time to go. When one comes back, we grow by two. Four waves crashing again. Four lakes filled with spring  water. Four of us as a whole or are there more?

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