Gone Fishing | Teen Ink

Gone Fishing

December 6, 2008
By Anonymous

Tired. The first thing I remember about my fishing trip was waking up at about 4 o'clock in the morning. I was very weary and tired, so tired that I could barely stay awake on the long drive over to the docks on that dark and cloudy morning.

When we got there, I saw the name of the boat--Codzilla. This really made me laugh. I wasn't the only one mocking the name though. The other fishing boat guide seemed to know ours. They competer to try to make there group catch more fish than any other group. I could hear the other group talking about our boat as they faded into the distant mist.

It was very hard to hear talking while the boat was moving. You couldn't hear anything over the distant splashing of the waves and the fish nearby. The fish didn't bite for a very long time, not even a nibble. It's funny because the guide said it was bad luck to bring bananas on a fishing boat. As a coincidence, my grandpa brought bananas on the boat. They didn't want to eat them, so I was forced to have to eat all of them. Afterwards, I felt horrible, and my stomach felt sick. However, after the bananas were gone, the fish started to bite!

Something I hated about this trip was that it was damp and freezing. It was so cold it made me numb. To make things worse, it was cold AND windy also! If you got wet, you'd be even colder, and then your eyes wear tear from being in the strong ocean winds. This numbing feeling lasted until the afternoon, when it started to warm up.

This trip made me hate seagulls with a passion! They made "deposits" on my head and shoulders 7 times, almost beating the previous record of 11 the guide said. My uncle, grandpa, and the guide were laughing hysterically. Then the pelican came. It seemed like a person because you could easily see its emotions. It kept swimming back and forth between our boat and the other fishing boat. When it got close to a boat, someone would swat at it and it would turn around and go back to the other boat. Its face would drop with sadness, and it would look at us with giant eyes full of such profound sadness it would make our hearts melt.

Even though this trip was very early, and extremely cold and windy, I am already anticipating the next fishing trip. The memories that were created that day are embedded in my soul. I will always remember what a great day I spent fishing with my grandpa and uncle.

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This article has 1 comment.

maryjeter01 said...
on Jan. 3 2009 at 8:28 pm
Awesome story! I loved reading it!