Farewell to Oblivion | Teen Ink

Farewell to Oblivion

December 8, 2008
By Anonymous

On Ocean Drive, the Corpus Christi symbol for wealth and prosperity, an empty lot lays barren. The lot is filled with dirt and rubble but amidst this debris unexpected beauty arises. Two statues stand side by side, made of white stone that has grayed over the course of events. These statues of women, clothed in ancient Grecian garb, seem to carry an aura of mystery and serenity. They’re a powerful symbol of tragedy, an all too common experience in life.

I never really thought about the lot. We drove by it everyday but I was always too caught up in typical teen angst. But one day I withdrew from my sulk long enough to ask mom “What’s with the statues?” And she told me. A family had lived there and one night a fire had broken out. A 10 year old girl was the only survivor. I was outraged. I demanded to know why I hadn’t heard about this, why I hadn’t seen it on the news. My mom was quiet and that’s when I realized. With a gut-wrenching certainty I knew that it had been on the news. I’d just been too busy to pay attention.

Every day the media bombards us with tales of sorrow and evil. We suck the information in for a half-hour and then promptly forget about it. But things like tragedy should be remembered, if only for a short while. So next time I watch the news I will say a prayer for the victims of life. I will pray that they heal or, if that’s impossible, I will wish them up to Heaven. I will ascend for a brief moment beyond my own woes, to pray for others. The next time I think, “God my life sucks” or “I hate my life!” I will stop and think about what I am saying. My life could be so much worse. Will you join me? In the words of Thomas Gray- will you give them “a passing tribute of a sigh?”

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This article has 1 comment.

cjlbroken2 said...
on Dec. 29 2009 at 9:03 am
cjlbroken2, Corpus Christi, Texas
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Even the smallest person can chage the course of the furture."

when i read your story i could not believe my eyes every time i go past that house i think the same thing. i always feel sorry for that little girl but the sadest thing is that now the statues are gone, somebody bought the lot and are building a new house. it's like they are steping all over the memory of the place. i almost started crying when i saw the statues gone.