Help Out the Environment | Teen Ink

Help Out the Environment

November 8, 2008
By Ruth Tegen BRONZE, Kennan, Wisconsin
Ruth Tegen BRONZE, Kennan, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there, will it make a sound? This is a whimsy question. The real question is: If a tree falls in the forest, will there be anyone to plant another? So many foresters today are trying to secure a sustained amount of timber with the rate of harvesting, in balance with the rate of growth.

There are many different aspects of forestry, but I would also like to get the point of growing trees and why - across to each and every one of you.

The first element of forestry that needs to be addressed is Silviculture; which is a phase in forestry that deals with the growing of timber as a crop. Forester are using U.S. Government land to grow timber on. This is done to balance the rate of growth with the amount of timber cut down and used. Almost 2 hundred million acres of public land is under its administration; this includes: 155 national forests and 29 land utilization projects. Silviculture, though, branches out dealing with planting, growing, processing, selling, and buying. The wood that is grown on silviculture land is used for construction, fuel, paper, and more. Thinning, or removing, of undesired or old, dead trees will help forest production. Foresters, though, are leaving many dead trees for nesting and hibernation of animals. The trees that they do clear out is used for fuel, such as for heating homes.

Another aspect of forestry is reforestation, the restoration of an area to forest either by natural or artificial mechanisms. Restoration of a forest takes time and patience. Natural reforestation is the growing of trees naturally. For example, every year squirrels take time to collect acorns and bury them leaving the acorns to root and grow.

Artificial reforestation is when foresters or people like you and I head out to plant trees. We then wait to watch our work begin to grow. We need to take time to focus on artificial reforestation in our every day lives. Instead of complaining about not having enough trees to clean our polluted air, we should take time every year to plant a tree or two.

Afforestation, another area in forestry, is the planting of a forest on land that has not previously borne trees. This may be used to reclaim wasteland, to control shifting sand dunes, and to provide shelter to houses. When foresters reclaim wasteland, they plant trees on an area and let the trees root and gorw, bringing the value of the land up. Many people plant trees around their houses, not only because of shade, but also because trees act like a natual insulation, keeping your house warmer. With this natural insulation, electric bills will decrease, equalling a happier, healthier environment.

Even with all of these different ways to keep trees growing and keep our forests healthy, I'd like to remind you to keep planting trees. The trees do so much for us in our everyday lives - such as cleaning our air of polutants. With all the talk about going green, why don't we each put a little green into our lives and plant a tree together. Remember, we are all in this together.

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