Five Pictures of my Mom | Teen Ink

Five Pictures of my Mom

November 20, 2008
By Anonymous

As I stand in front of the fridge door my eyes are immediately drawn to an eight by ten picture frame. The picture frame has a border filled with stars. This was one of the gifts I gave my Mom on mother’s day. Inside the picture frame there’s a picture of my family-- or of what was ones my family. As I look at it that day comes flowing back to me like a movie film. My Mom had bought me a big tres leches cake, with pink frosting my favorite. The sign in the middle of the cake said “FELIZ CUMPLEANOS” in big bold letters. We didn’t have a big backyard for the entire guest, so this took place in the back of my grandma’s back yard. All my cousins, my brother, and sister sat at an old picnic table eating mole, chicken, and rice; (my favorite Mexican dish). My uncle came towards my Mom and asked us to turn around so he could take a picture. I sat in a chair blowing the candles, while my Mom leaned over then the most weird, no amazing thing happened. My Mom leaned over and kissed me, me in the forehead this might be normal to some people but to me this was something new. Because if you knew my Mom you would know she doesn’t like to show her feelings in front of other people. The biggest, greatest, and most wonderful surprise gift I received that day was a simple one but most treasured, my mother’s kiss.
After not seeing both of my parents for a year this was the most exiting day of my life. We were finally going to be together again. My Mom and Dad had made a big sacrifice for us they had left to America leaving my brother Juan, Janet my sister, and me with my grandmother. The day they told us they were leaving my heart burned with pain, my stomach turned with a sense of disbelieve. I didn’t want to be away from my parent’s -- not for a year. As we approached the gas station were they were suppose to pick us up my heat started to beat faster; I thought it was going to jump out of my chest. Then I saw my Mom and Dad when the driver stopped I immediately jumped out of the car toward my parents. My brother and sister followed my lead. I hugged my Mom, and she hugged me back with so much force I think I forgot to breath. After talking about our trip with my parents we headed towards our new home. In our way there tears started to drip towards my cheeks out of nowhere; all I know is that these were tears of joy.
When I as ten I remember coming home after spending the weekend at my aunts house. My Dad would let us go every weekend since he worked on the weekend and he didn’t want us to be bored at home. As my aunt stopped I saw my Mom standing outside the door. She looked angry, I thought she would be happy after not seen us for the weekend. But I was wrong. As I neared her my brother and sister behind me, I felt afraid of my Mom for the first time. After my aunt left, my Mom grabbed me from my arm with so much force I thought it was going to come out. Her eyes were filled with an intense fire, her hands turned into fist. I had never seen her this angry. I think she was mad because we spend so much time with my aunt and not enough time with her. After this my dad wouldn’t let us go to my aunt’s house anymore because he thought my aunt was spending more time with us than

my Mom did. That if he restricted us from going to my aunt’s house my mom would not be angry anymore.
After this accident our family just got farther apart. My Mom and Dad were often arguing. They would often fight I was afraid for my brother and sister. After my Dad went to work she would often take out her anger out on us. She would get mad at the simple lest things like when my brother spilled food by accident. She would grab me from my hair and tell me to pick it up.
My Dad would find us bruised on crying when he got from work. Then the arguing would just start all over. He soon got tired of this and asked my mom for the divorce. She asked us whom we wanted to stay with. I was pained to let my Mom go even after she had done to us. But I immediately chose my Dad so did my sister, and brother.

The last time I saw my Mom was when she told us she was living to Mexico. She asked me if I wanted to come with her. I didn’t want to go through the entire pane I had already suffered so I refused. I expected her to hit me when she heard my answer but instead she hugged me. Tears started to run down her cheeks. I used to hate her for all the suffering she caused us. I still miss her but I also can sleep at night without worrying what tomorrow will bring with my Mom by my side. This is the only memory I have left of her, the one I keep so dear next to my heart.

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