Compassion | Teen Ink


March 21, 2014
By sudha medapati SILVER, West Windsor, New Jersey
sudha medapati SILVER, West Windsor, New Jersey
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Love, compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive. - Dalai Lama

How many world issues can you name? How many solutions can you name for the issues? I, mean there are so many issues in the world. World hunger. Child labor. Obesity. Animal abuse. Equality. Bullying. And there are so many more. Which one do you think is the worst of them all? I would say lack of compassion. Why compassion? Think about all of these issues that are in the world; they have one thing in common. They lack or have no compassion. How can more compassion benefit the world or even miraculously solve the issues? If we show care and love towards others, we can see and feel our attitudes and other peoples’ attitudes change. I mean, it is easier to love than to hate for people. Another aspect to remember is that we produce enough food and have enough ideas to change our world. Then why do we have hunger and malnutrition and other issues? The answer ,again, is lack of compassion. We get caught up with developing the world and complicating our lives but forget the basics and morals. Compassion.

How can we rise compassion from people. There are many way to cultivate and teach compassion to people. Let’s start with kids. Kids copy anything that adults do. So if you're an adult, do the things that can teach kids compassion. If you are a teacher simply inform kids about compassion because teaching kids can develope and our new generation. You can also start campaigns to fundraise for a cause. One of the biggest things is to remember to stick to your morals. And also remember to show compassion to others. We can truly change the world by being compassionate.

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