Performance of a Lifetime | Teen Ink

Performance of a Lifetime

October 17, 2008
By Anonymous

You’re the center of attention, a dancer hoping to perform your best; you can sense the eyes of the audience on you as you make your way onto the floor. Nervously, you get into your first position and it hits you. Looking down at the gym floor you realize this is the performance of your life. It’s all or nothing. You can feel the adrenaline rushing through your entire body. Suddenly, you hear the music start. Timidly, you look up to begin to dance. Through all of the people cheering you see them. Time seems to stop as you spot your family in the audience. Despite their previous plans, they have come with smiling faces to watch you, to support you. Your nervousness is overcome by joy and now you are determined to finish your performance with no mistakes. You hit your ending pose as the crowd jumps to their feet, but strangely enough, you hardly notice. Your eyes go straight to where your family is sitting. Just by looking at them, you can see in their faces how proud you have made them. After comprehending their reactions you realize this is what you want to do for the rest of your life because the feeling of accomplishment is indescribable and could never be better.

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