In My Purse! | Teen Ink

In My Purse!

September 24, 2008
By Anonymous

In My Purse!

As we pulled out of the Burger King parking lot, we all put our iPods in our ears and were ready to ride for a couple more hours. We got a little down the road, and Sarah couldn’t find her iPod.
“I had it before we went in!” she cried,” I gave it to you Kaitlin!” I tried to flash back to about thirty minutes ago. “No, you didn’t Sarah!” I said prominently. Her dad turned around in a bank parking lot. WE were headed back to Burger King. When we got there, Katie ran back in to the restaurant, to make sure she hadn’t left it in there. We all got out and searched the whole car, and the whole parking lot!

Katie came out, “it’s not in there, guys!” Mary Grace had an idea to check the bathroom because we went in there as well. So we checked in there, and still no iPod! “Sarah you’re just going to have to do without an iPod for now. So we all got back in the car.

“Kaitlin, I swear I gave it to you!” she said.” I handed it to you before we went in!” she declared.
“No, you really didn’t. Trust me; I would remember if you did!” I responded.”
“Okay, whatever.” She said as we all soon fell asleep.

We woke up and we were in my driveway! “Yay! We’re home!” Mary Grace yelled. We all went in my house and got our pajamas on.

I was looking in my purse for my cell phone, and I pulled out something that was NOT my cell phone. It was Sarah’s iPod!

“Umm…Sarah I found your iPod.” I whispered.

“KAITLIN! Where did you find that?!” She squealed.

“In my purse!” We all broke out in to hysterical laughter!

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