Charley | Teen Ink


September 24, 2008
By Lauren Calaway BRONZE, Jonesboro, Arkansas
Lauren Calaway BRONZE, Jonesboro, Arkansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

About six years ago, my family and I were preparing to go to church. The day had been great, School was easy on me that week. My favorite church clothes were lying on my bed waiting for me to get done with supper. Ashes had had offspring just four months ago. WE sold all of them but one. Charley, I adored him so. We had played all day. Once my family was ready to go, I my mom and my dad climbed into the car as my sister closed the car door and buckled in. The car started and we hit reverse. Half way down the driveway all of us felt a jolt of the car. I see charley skimp into the garage. We got out and checked for damage. I knew right then what had happened. I franticly ran to the garage and started running madly. We started screaming “WHERE’S CHARLEY”. My mom found him, he was in a state of shock. Both back legs awkwardly straight out behind him. My dad took his work car and drove Charley to the veterinarians. I horridly wanted to go but, I was forced to go to church. I was hysterical at church pacing feelingly back and forth, waiting for my dad to come back with charley. My dad got there, pulled in the parking lot. Charley wasn’t with him. My dad sat me down and said Charley’s pelvis had been split. Charley died on the surgical table. They scattered his ashes at the funeral.

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This article has 1 comment.

amanda said...
on Oct. 22 2008 at 4:58 pm
After reading about Charley I was in complete shock. That is completely sad that Charley had to end his life that way. I’m sure it felt horrible after it happened. Sometimes it is not a person’s fault when a tragedy like that happens because you don’t always know where the animal is. It’s good you decided to write out your story because it’s a great way to express your feelings and hopefully writing this has made you feel better.