Can I Have Some More? | Teen Ink

Can I Have Some More?

February 28, 2013
By viper16 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
viper16 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

"Its time to go!" We all crammed into the van like sardines. On our way to Andre House , we were singing , "The wheels on the van'' We were doing community service for my high schools Interact Club.

I signed up for this community service activity, and I thought is was going to be easy. However, I was mistaken. We sliced bread loaves like there was no tomorrow My arm was ripped by the time I finished. It was nice to have all my friends there having a conversation while we were going to help other strangers.

The menu consisted of what I consider Italian food; Pasta, bread , and juice. The manager said we would be serving close to one thousand people. I never knew there was so many less fortunate people in the area. There was a plethora of people who traveled to receive some dinner.

The manager placed us into stations and he said ''get ready.'' I told myself , ''This is a piece of cake.'' once they opened they doors , the homeless swarmed in like angry ants. I was the guy handing out buttered bread. A man said '' Can I have some more?''

I apologized to the man because i was instructed to give only one. The man was a match that had been struck on the box. He started yelling and i was frozen stiff. The guy behind him gave him his piece to calm him down and all he said to the angry guy was ''Shame on you.''

The guy who had given his piece away started walking. I stopped him and i gave him two pieces. He was a man of honesty and appreciation. I respected that. He said '' I am glad to receive what little i can get.''

I looked at the man for a long time. He finally said '' I know you want to ask some questions so ask away.''

''How did you end up losing your home?'' I asked.

He responded , ''I started using drugs and my wife left me. My son had faith in my rehabilitation but I could not stay with the program. I spent all my savings on drugs and soon I lost my home After that, it was a downward spiral. I ended up losing my teeth and my family.''

''What is your name?

''My name is Pedro.''

I said, '' What keeps you going ?"

All he replied was ''My son.''

The conversation with Pedro made me realize these people suffer everyday because from being separated from their families or because they barely have teeth to chew their food. We are fortunate to have our teeth and our family. We should not take anything for granted.

I was scrupulous in my duties because some people had no teeth. I Gave them softer bread. But that made me realized that these people have no tooth brushes When I was little my mom always made me brush my teeth. That was to promote good habits. Now these people do not have teeth to brush. That was a sad fact to me. Some people had lost their teeth due to drugs, but that was oblivious to me. I wanted to help the people who have less then what many take for granted.

We finished and everyone left. The scent of unwashed bodies was lingering in the cafeteria. Everyone helped clean not minding the smell. I mopped the floor , which looked like someone threw mud over because of dirty shoes. We left home and I saw a bunch of bodies huddled up everywhere because it was cold . The amount of people shocked me.

I realized that the people never get to do things like brush their teeth , take a shower or wash their face like others do. Homeless people are not a different species. They are treated like they are. They are less fortunate then others. I was glad to be able to help the people. They are human! Just like us...Just like me.

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