Friday Night Lights | Teen Ink

Friday Night Lights

January 28, 2008
By Anonymous

"...the Pelham High School Tower of Power Marching Band!" I remember I was so scared. I had never done anything like this before, and there I was, marching onto the field for my very first view of Friday night lights...from this point of view, anyway. We started preparing in July for the 2006 football season halftime show, with band camp for two weeks and practices after school ever Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Running the show was pretty hard at first, I won't lie. But every Friday night, it all became worth it, just to hear the crowd clapping and seeing them give a standing ovation. I gave my all for twelve minutes straight and it was the most physically exhausting experience and I will never forget it. But no game will ever compare to that very first one. That night, I barely had a voice because I was sick and that was just one of the factors making me nervous. So many things were running through my mind; what if I start coughing during the kickline and can't stop? What if I forget a prop? What if I forget choreography? It was the most nerve-racking night ever! The only was I got through those nerves and fears was because of Caroline. She was a senior and one of the co-captains and happened to stand next to me throughout the entire show. I guess she could tell I was afraid because she came up to me with her voice dripping in excitement and said, "Aww, Ashley, your first field show! Don't worry, you'll do fine. Just remember to smile and remember that this is what you love to do." She gave me a friendly little shake. If it weren't for Caroline, I probably would have fainted on the field that night. There were so many people! Even though there were close to 300 people out there with me, it felt like every eye was focused on me. It was the first time in my life, however, that I was excited to be doing kickline; just to have Caroline squeeze my shoulder as if to say, "you're doing fine." After the final song was played and we marched off, she gave me the biggest hug. I was so tired and relieved and excited all at once the first thing I said was, "I didn't start coughing!" Caroline just laughed and said she was proud of "her little freshie," (that's what she called me). After that show, halftime performances varied in easiness throughout the season. Some games it was stifling, others it was freezing. But no matter what, I gave my all. There are crazy memories and moments from every game of that football season, but I will never forget my first view of Friday night lights.

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This article has 3 comments.

mtnwmn said...
on Sep. 21 2008 at 8:42 pm
You go girl! The best is yet to come!

Florida said...
on Sep. 21 2008 at 7:17 pm
I wish I could have been there to make 301 people! I am very proud of you for writing this and know this is one of many articles you will write in your future.

tbd said...
on Sep. 21 2008 at 6:27 pm
WOW!!! Way to go Ashley!! I am very impressed!!!