My Personal Guardian Angel | Teen Ink

My Personal Guardian Angel

November 7, 2007
By Anonymous

Gaurdian Angels to most people are inoncent,quite,reserved, and help you out when you are ever in trouble.

Well my guardian angel is not inoncent ,quite,or reserved. But my guardian angel does hlp me out when I am in trouble.

My gaurdian angel is always there for me when I am sad.My angel cared about me in every way possible. When ever I am sad,they were always there for me holding my hand, telling me that they loved me and that everything will be alright. It always did to.

My personal gaurdian angel first showed up in my life, when I was in a dark place for awhile. Thinking of things of suicide and self affliction. When my personal gaurdian angel showed, I started to see brighter things of life, knowing the thought that some one actually cares about me.

My personal gaurdian angelis similar to me in ways. My angel has many problems also. My angel thinks the same wasy as I do to. The only difference between me and my angel. Is that my angel is still in a dark place.

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