This I Believe | Teen Ink

This I Believe

December 13, 2007
By Anonymous

What do you look for in a friend? Trustworthy, fun and likes what you like? I would have to think that we all look for the good qualities from each other. Does religion have to be one though? I believe that religion isn’t a factor when choosing relationships.

“No devil boys” my father would always say to me. “Get a good little ‘holy’ boy.” It never a curded to me to ask my boyfriend before he came over what his religion was. I brought him upon my household to meet my family. Not even 10 mins into dinner the first words my dad spoke was “what’s your religion?”
My boyfriend didn’t go to church nor have really anything to do with God. Questions about the lord and why he don’t have a religion just felt like they went on for hours. After he had left, my father spoke how he wasn’t good enough and his beliefs were too unstable. His religion wasn’t the reason I grew to like him. I grew to like him because of his laugh and smile and the way I felt loved, no religion was in that at all. I’m glad I stayed with him, his religion didn’t affect the bond we shared.

Believing that religion wasn’t that important just didn’t end there oh no. it lived in to my life. Being best friends with someone that was agnostic just made what I believed stronger. Being her friend had its toll. Everyone would look at us and say that we were going to Hell because we weren’t the same as everyone around us. We never spoke thanking God or even praise in his name so in there eyes we were talking little images of satin. This brought me to believe what I was already believing, just in a stronger way about religion it doesn’t matter, what matters is the way you see yourself in there eyes and what they really are to you.

It just continued through my life of what I believed. People judging people not by looks but by religion was shocking. I thought everyone was open minded. My friend who is like a brother to me did something not everyone really liked. He like “came out of the closet”. Which in this case, is no closet at all. Not every one supported his life style or they didn’t support him. People starting putting up signs saying “Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve.” He was very into his religion and it’s the same as any christen but (I agree) don’t want anyone pushing there beliefs down our throats. they said that god must not like him and that he was cursed because he is gay. His religion never affected his life but he was still gay.

I believe juding people from a religion view is wrong and just plain dumb. Don’t judge people by what they worship. Don’t judge by what you want them to be. Would you like to be judged by religion or what you do in your life? No one wants that, why would you?

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